BEWARE of the Scammers
We’ve been seeing lots of pictures on the internet with our French bulldogs listed for sale by others. A lot of people are copying our pictures onto their computer and advertising them as their own dogs. These scammers are hoping you’ll send them your money. They actual don’t have anything to sell except some stolen pictures and empty promises. Please make sure you know where you’re buying your French bulldog from. You should be able to reach the seller by email and more importantly by phone. Make sure they have a website and references that you can contact, not just pictures and a write up.
There is a BIG difference between AKC and FCI dogs. Just look at the FCI ads (most import dogs are FCI), their legs, necks, and bodies are so long they almost look like Boston Terriers. I’ve seen some of the imports weighing over 30 lbs. Please before buying an cheap import French bulldog. Keep in mind that if the puppy seems cheap or too good to be true…it probably is. The above website is very graphic and will tell you all about importers and their puppies.
Sadly we get calls, texts and emails weekly about people finding that scammers are using our puppy pictures to try to scam people out of their money.
I will continue to update this list as families report scammers to us that have stolen our pictures. We will also report scammers and false emails trying to link others to our website. We will report to anyone that will listen. We know that there and tons of scamming websites but these are the ones that we have had reported to us. If you know of a site that is using our pictures and puppies to scam others please let us know!
- [email protected]
- [email protected]
- Keith Johnson<[email protected]>
- [email protected]
- peter charles<[email protected]>
If you buy a pup “born naturally” keep in mind the French bulldog Dam is going to be a bit on the larger size with longer legs and body – this is the only way they can be born naturally. We have short stocky French bulldogs that require c-sections for the safety of the mom and her puppies. Remember puppies may look cute and adorable the first few weeks. You want to see some idea of what they will look like as adults. Make sure you know what you are buying.
You can call us by phone (9am to 9pm EST) or e-mail us 24/7. We give you our daytime business phone number 9-5pm M-F 859-353-8138. This business has been established for over 20 years. Plus we give you our personal cell phone number: (859) 893-3862.
We offer you our user friendly website which is updated every day and new pictures are posted weekly. We can give you a ton of references. Including the AKC at 1-919-233-9767. Our last inspection is available for you to view from the link on our home page. We’ve passed every inspection. You can call AKC to verify this. You can also call AKC to check the status of any breeder with AKC registered dogs. They will be happy to help you out.
You need to be able to do all of these things:
- See pictures of both parents
- See pictures of the puppy you will be getting
- Make sure you can send payment to a permenant address and NOT a PO box!!!
- Contact references
- Have more than one contact number
- Have a 1 year health guarentee in writing and be able to read it first before placing a deposit on a puppy
- Contact AKC to ensure the breeder is in good standing
- Reputable breeders will most often have a waiting list.
- Make sure the breeder will allow you several payment options. If they refuse to take anything other than a wire transfer into their account or western union BEWARE!
In the beginning when we starting buying our first French bulldogs we passed on several that LOOKED GOOD. One time the breeder let us use our credit card for the deposit but then insisted on a wire transfer into their account for the balance. Another time they said they didn’t have any pictures they could show me of the mom even though they advertised that they owned and hand raised both parents from puppies plus the mom was 3 years old. Really? Who doesn’t have pictures of a French bulldog they have had for 3 years. I could go on and on but you get the picture.
Protect Your Pet: We recommend microchipping and offer this before your French bulldog comes out to you. We’ve been hearing a lot in the news lately about people stealing Frenchies. We even had one of our BlueGrass Frenchies Butters stolen right out of the families backyard in New York. They we able to show ownership of puppy “Butters” with their AKC papers. BUT the microchip & paperwork was even more valuable because the chip was between their puppies shoulder blades and they were the registered owners with AVID microchip service.
We have all of our adult French bulldogs microchipped. With this new outbreak we want everyone to know that we think that microchipping your pet is a good investment & a help in recovery if your pet is lost or stolen. We’ve decided to offer microchipping services before we send your puppy off to you. If you are interest in this please just let us know!
Registration with AKC pet recovery is FREE with our AKC puppy Protection Package that we give to all of our puppy families.
Examples of Recent Scams
Picture 1: This is a text message I got…just one of many texts I get about scammers. These Scammers were using our pictures of our Frenchie Simon now owned by the Huffman family. I’m glad the family that looked at him on the false website didn’t get scammed!
Picture 2: This is one of a few emails I got from Lisa who wanted to know how I could sell our puppies in 2 places. One for $4000 and one for $300. I let her know that our pictures of Charlie were clearly stolen. The scammers were talking people out of their money and had him listed for $300 with shipping. They were saying he was a female named Lily. I’m really thankful that more and more people realize it is a scam and send us a warning. I have to say that it burns me up that they would use pictures of our daughter Carrie in their scams! This puppy is not a Lily BUT our little male Charlie who now lives with his owner Matt who is a veterinarian in NY.
Picture 3: Reply email I got from Jennifer, and FBI agent, that has one of our retired adults Lucy. I reached out to her for ideas of what to do when the internet scamming turned to a whole website with our French bulldogs and pictures of our daughters being used. It was like the scammers copied the whole puppy page and our adult pictures, renamed all of them and renamed the website but used all of our same layout “word for word” even using our daughter names. As you can imagine I was livid. I didn’t really get good news…I was told this is really petty crime and I could spend all of my time fighting one website for them to be shut down and then turn around and open up a new one with different web address and new email. When people call me and text me I make the report and try and have them removed. However keep in mind most of this type of fraud in done from overseas and VERY difficult to trace and convict.
Picture 4: Small part of fake website that was using a part of our website to scam buyers. PLEASE let us know if you find any of our Frenchie’s pictures being used elsewhere. We only have this one original website no others. Notice the EMAIL address they are using…it’s not ours.